On July 21st, my brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl and I became an auntie (for the first time by blood). Molly Elizabeth Mendoza is absolutely perfect. She has captured my heart and I spend as much time with her as possible. It is amazing watching her grow and develop. I am so fortunate to have her as my niece. My husband and I have decided that we have the four most amazing and adorable nieces in existence. I love all four of them to pieces! I love that each of them is in a different stage of life and the opportunity to experience the growing process with them has helped me to appreciate life even more!
I cannot wait to be a mother myself. (Don't worry mom, not just yet). Being a part of my nieces lives has made that desire even stronger. I cannot wait to have a baby of my own and pray that one day it will happen. To know that this small child is a part of me and my husband and that we can influence his or her life excites me. One day I hope I will make a wonderful mommy.
As for the future? I plan on working in retail for the next year. I take my LSAT in October and depending on how well I score, will determine if I can get in to law school. I am very nervous but I am hoping that I will be prepared and will perform well. I have been thinking a lot about other things that I would enjoy just in case, not because I don't think I won't make it or don't have confidence, but because I don't want to be without a back up plan. One option is to return to school for a while and get my elementary education license. I originally wanted to teach middle school and while I loved watching middle school students learn new things, I lost the passion for it. I love small children so much that I don't think I could ever get tired of working with them. I am excited to see where the future takes me!
"To my niece(s),
You are a joy to my heart and a delight to my eyes.
You are a precious gift to our family and a wonderful addition to our lives."
-Janie Anthony