It's been quite a while since I last blogged, and quite a while since I uploaded pictures anywhere. In other words, the purpose of this blog is to do both, blog and post pictures. It may not have a lot of actual updates but that will come sometime when I have something more substantial to update about lol. Some of the posts may be over a year old.. Yeah sorry about that. I will try to get better at this whole blogging more often thing.
The sun made the leaves glow almost golden in color. It was gorgeous!
I loved how the trees made a neat pattern with shades of green and yellow.
I gave Aric the camera for a bit and he disappeared for a bit. I found out he had this weird obsession with this fisherman. I seriously had like twenty pictures of this guy on my camera lol.
More fisherman.
My beautiful momma! She is going to shoot me for this picture. I love it though because she looks so happy!! We all loved the fresh mountain air.
I hadn't been up to the castle in probably ten years and I was shocked at how much he had accomplished! The dragon breathes fire.
I wanted to take this tree home with me! It was the only bright orange tree that we saw. The picture doesn't do it justice!
I liked the angle. Lol that is all.
Aric found a chair that was too big for him! If you know Aric, thats a difficult task to accomplish! He deemed it his chair and to this day this picture is his facebook profile picture.
The next set of pictures comes from boo at the zoo with the girls. I was having entirely too much fun and forgot we had brought the camera. Unfortunately this means that the giraffes were mainly the only good pictures that I got. Oh well, there will be other times when the girls are adorable and I will remember the camera.
I love giraffes!
They are my favorite zoo animal.
:) My amazingly adorable nieces Riley, Scarlett, and Alexandra and their equally as amazing momma Cortney.
We spent Thanksgiving with Zack and Josie and the rest of Jordan's family. It was a lot of fun and Zane just had to show off some of his costumes! Smith looks so little!
Zane loves dressing up!
My brother being.. well.. my brother :) <3 p="p">
Scary mask!!
Jordan, Ben, and Zack all watching what I believe was the Bronco game.
Sorry it's blurry! My beautiful momma!
<3 p="p"> The guys and Smith. See?! He is tiny!!
Jord and Emmy watching something. I think it was toy story at this point.
Zane joined in the watching and Emmy fell asleep :)
I loved our table settings! The elmo tablecloth was perfect lol
A much less blurry picture of my mom!
This next picture I just loved, so I had to post it :) I can't remember why we were at Corts that day.
Alexandra and Cathy "grammy"
Ok! We are finally catching up! The next few pictures are from our recent trip to Wyoming. The reason for going was extremely sad but I was so happy that the family was able to make the best of it and enjoy their time together. I loved meeting Aric's family and hope we can do it again soon, under better circumstances. Rest in Peace Cheri, we all love you very much. I didn't have my camera for the family pictures or anything so unfortunately I didn't get a lot of the pictures I would have liked but here are a few that I like:
Scarlett put on Uncle Aric's shirt and loved dancing and looking at herself in the mirror, it was adorable!
More mirror dancing!
Isn't she adorable?!
I tried to take a picutre behind my head of Riley but I chopped her forehead off.
So in this picture she decided to slink down to make sure I got all of her face in the frame lol
These signs are everywhere in Wyoming! It made me giggle.

On part of the drive back Alexandra took a nap. I had to take a picture, it was too cute of a moment not to! <3 against="against" also="also" animal="animal" crackers="crackers" her="her" i="i" love="love" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" propped="propped" side.="side." the="the">
We decided to stop by the Lincoln Monument on the way home. It was a very neat area!
This thing is HUGE!!
A little history.
We got to see aspens this year after all. Sorry its dark, we were inside and this is through the window.
Hello Giant Lincoln head
Really neat monument.
Front-ish view
Side placard thing
Cathy and Aric looking at the coins that people threw in. I guess it was being used like a wishing well or something? It would make sense if it were just pennies but no...
See? All kinds of coins in there.
Super interesting!!
I love the artwork here.
The beautiful aspens and my husband... fishing?
Not quite sure what he was hoping to catch :D
And the penny of course <3 p="p">
That's all for now! Thanks for reading! Like I said before I hope to stay more on top of things so that we don't have this year old pictures thing. I also plan on taking pictures more often. In fact I hope to bring my camera on my hike this Sunday with my bestie Jenn and my husband Aric. I hope you enjoyed my blog and as always I will end with a quote ... AND a bonus video! This was in the hotel room in Wyoming. Scarlett was bored and decided that licking the mirror and drawing in her saliva sounded fun!
“You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.”
-Desmond Tutu