Riley and Scarlett waiting for a few more players so the game could start!
This was one of the games that had enough players that they separated it into big and little kids. The little ones were so cute because they weren't really sure how to play.
Little penguin :)
Watching the big kids to get a hang of the game.
Sorry Yoda! Not this time! Good job Scarlett and Riley!
After a while the kids would start running. This is when Scarlett got excited and decided that this game was pretty cool!
Unfortunately running meant that she wasn't paying attention so she wouldn't get a seat. That's ok, she still got a cookie!
Only three left, two big kids and a little one, I think I know who will be out next.
Yup, sorry Luke, big kids take it this time. Get your cookie :)
Little kids game again! Watching them was heartwarming.
Riley and the big kids getting ready for the music to start.
<3 p="p"> She's doing the penguin waddle here! The dino decided he wanted to sit to ensure a seat before the music stopped!
They made him get up though, and then Scarlett started the running game again!
The big kids liked to cheat, I've decided Riley is way too nice for this game. She does well but just can't be mean and steal seats from the kids who really push to get them.
She made it another round!
Dean yawning :) I believe I was called a savage for this picture haha love you Dean!
The two big girls getting ready to play.
Alexandra came and joined the fun!
The kids running the game decided to be mean and take away all of the chairs. Alexandra wasn't having any of it!
This is Riley's serious face. At the house we were telling her that Indian's are tough and don't smile so she did her best not to smile in pictures all night. It was funny because you could tell she had to really fight the urge!
Riley trying really really hard not to smile!
Aric's costume!
I was very glad to have the time with the girls. I definitely needed it!
Lately we have been having some beautiful evening skies. I love the view from our apartment!
More clouds :)
Aric put up a few decorations for Halloween. The finished product looked neat, I will have to get a picture if I can.
Beautiful sunset! This was before I had my settings adjusted. I like the darkness of it.
It looked like a painting.
I liked the way it looked through the trees.
Another tree shot.
See? Trees lol
I absolutely loved this sunset.
It seriously didn't look real <3 p="p"> It looked like a painting.
Simply beautiful
<3 div="div">
Sometimes we take things for granted, like the sunset or the majestic mountains. My goal is to start appreciating the small stuff. Or really if you think about it, the rather large and yet daily things that we just seem to forget to appreciate!