Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Old Endings and New Beginnings

Wow! A lot has happened since I last blogged! Lets see, where to even begin? I suppose with the biggest change :D I am now moved out of my mom's house in an apartment with two of my friends, Ashley and Zach. So far the change has been a good one. I do miss seeing mom every night, and my puppies and such but I really believe that this will help me to continue to grow. We live in an apartment complex near the University so that is a plus! They are extremely nice!! It seems like everything has fallen into place too! Everyone has been so gracious to us, supplying us with furniture and the like. I will keep you updated on how things are going!
Spring is upon us! It's about time too! I always find it weird that the SPRING semester ends, just when spring is fully here. I am currently on the tail end of my finals and am relieved that the semester is over. So far I feel like my tests have gone really well, and I have one remaining. Unfortunately this is the most difficult of my tests but I still think it should go over smoothly. It is my Medieval Art Final Experience/quiz as my prof puts it. He doesn't like the words exam, final, or test. He thinks students do better if he calls it a quiz or an experience. Either way, it is a series of 34 pictures in which we have to identify the title of the work, the author, the patron, and the style. Then we have to answer some questions about some of the vocabulary. The pictures are the heaviest weighted though and I know the vocab well.
I received my roommate assignment for General Assembly this last week. Her name is Hannah (or is it Heather?) Morrison. I have no idea where she is from :) all I have is a name, but because I got that, I am now super excited! I should be getting my committee assignment soon too!
Lets see... what else? Hm... I guess its time for breakfast now, if I think of anything else then I will add it later lol but for now toodaloo! (Is that how you spell that?)

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”-Flora Whittemore

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