Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nerves!! I hate them...

Tomorrow is the big day... my first time teaching a full class. I have never been so nervous for anything in my life. I feel like this is a huge pivotal point in my life and if I mess it up, it will hurt my future. I love middle school students, I love English, and I love watching students learn... so this should be a piece of cake for me right? I mean, if you love something, it should come naturally... but I am so scared... My stomach is churning, I feel like I could throw up at any second, and I really feel like crying. I wish there were some way to shut off my ability to get nervous. It is my absolute least favorite feeling in the world! I hate feeling nauseous and unfortunately, I am a worrier. When I worry, my stomach immediately turns into nervous stomach. I really just hope I don't mess up. I know this blog is kind of all over the place but I had to do something to calm myself down and I suppose the one way I know best is to write. Though at this point I am so nervous I don't think anything could calm me down... my mom and my brother are the closest to being successful in calming me down, they both successfully did for a little while. My mom just told me all the things I was telling her when I was helping her to concur her fear of interviews, things like its just an irrational fear, the spirit is within me, just remember to breathe, something about the spirit of the fruit being self something I dont remember exactly but her good friend told her that and it seemed to help. I took some deep breaths and repeated all of that and it did help for a while. Then my brother gave me a list of five reasons why I shouldn't be nervous... he said dont be nerviousa sister, heres a top 5 list why:
5. Because you are Vaes and that automatically makes you cool
4. They are middle schoolers, if you say something silly, they wil laugh but they arent smart enough yet to realize you didn't do it on purpose
3. You are the sister of Bens and that automatically makes you cool
2. you have honestly found your calling and I can just tell you are really good at this. It's the first of something you will do the rest of your life and that is super exciting
and the number one reason why you shouldn't be nervous:
1. Because no one picks on a short teacher :P
I love that he made me smile and even attempt a small laugh, and that worked for as long as mom's advice... But now I am nervous again. I feel silly, but I can't calm myself down. I even took a hot bath! That helped too, but only briefly. I hope this feeling doesn't last. Sigh, wish me luck, I will post again with how it went. I would love as many thoughts and prayers as I can get. I love my family and friends. I am going to try and calm down some and get some sleep... wish me luck.


  1. Good luck! I know you will do great! Just think of them as your friends. You're perfectly comfortable talking to your friends about things.

  2. Good luck Vae! You will do just awesome I'm sure!

  3. I will be praying for peace of mind and calm nerves, but your love of the subject and your love for the students is bound to shine through. The kids are lucky to have a teacher that cares so much!! :-)
