Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I have wanted to start doing this for a long time now. The title blog diaries has been floating around in my head for somewhere around six months. My brother Ben just started his blog and I figured why not start one with him.
Ben had a good point, it seems that life changes rapidly over the years and it is my desire to remember those years. I want to be able to look back at something years from now and read about what was important to me at differing times in my life. I also want to be able to share the important highlights of my life with the family I can't see every day.
I think it will be neat to read up on how my brother is doing every now and then and be able to update my blog with what I am doing to give him something to read too. This way if he goes far away for residency we will still be able to know whats going on in each others lives. My brother and I have always been extremely close so being away from him hasn't been easy but it has helped me to be extremely grateful for the times we do get to spend together. Jordan has been such an amazing person for him and I am so glad that she has been able to help him through being away and the stresses of medical school.
My dad is the other one that I know will appreciate my blogs, he has been away for a long time now but we still try to talk as much as possible. Hopefully this way he will be able to keep up on the happenings in his kids lives and won't feel like he is so far away.
To everyone else reading my blogs, thank you and I love you all and hope that you enjoy them!

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